Colloidal SIlver: No Home Should Be Without It!
Article Reprinted From The Doctors Prescripiton for Healthy Living, Volume 7, Number 7, Pg 37. Silver is one of those age-old remedies that ought to be in every home's medicine cabinet. Its uses are varied, medically documented, and proven to be highly effective for supporting the body's immune system. At the very least, we think that silver ought to be in every home's emergency preparedness kit simply for helping to disinfect water. (Silver is used to disinfect water throughout the world.) But, also, some experts consider colloidal silver one of our most effective defenses against emerging strains of pathogens, because of its effectiveness against bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Whether used topically, for immune support during acute flu or cold, or for preventive purposes, colloidal silver is a versatile natural remedy. Consumers, however, should be highly selective. Some colloidal silver products are not of high quality. The particulates clog together and have very little surface area or biological activity. Some companies use preservatives or additives that can coat the silver particles, which also reduces efficacy. Also, some companies make claims that their silver products will cure disease conditions and are even superior to drug therapy. However, unless a company has such data on its particular formulation, we do not support such claims. SHOPPING FOR QUALITY SILVER PREPARATIONS Medically approved silver products are used every day in hospitals and healthcare centers. Chances are the catheters and burn-wound dressings being used today at your local hospital are silver-impregnated. Make sure you choose a 10 part-per-million formula that consists of only ultra-pure water and silver and has the smallest particle size possible. Look and ask for photographic documentation by the company. Our recommended formula is Sovereign Silver. We have reviewed extensive data on this formulation and have found it to be highly effective at the lowest dosages. That means it is perhaps the most biologically active silver formula available. We say silver is simply a smart method to support immune function and we wouldn't want our home medicine cabinet to be without it. Silver—especially a quality colloidal preparation such as Sovereign Silver from Natural Immunogenics—comes in handy for a variety of uses. Indeed, a tablespoon of silver taken regularly offers significant support—like a good natural health assurance policy should. THE MANY USES OF COLLOIDAL SILVER: