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Breakthrough in Folate Supplementation
By Valerie Hall, CNHP

Folate deficiency is the top nutrient deficiency in the world. Besides its potentially crippling effects on the brain and on cell and tissue growth regulation, folate deficiency is linked to anemias, intestinal dysfunction, male fertility problems, pollen hypersensitivities, and bone thinning. Folate deficiency is also linked to blood buildup of homocysteine, which itself is linked to a plethora of other health problems. New findings are again showing how important folate is for the brain, from its formation during pregnancy throughout our entire life. Folate is a key nutrient that determines how our genes express themselves, operating like a toggle switch to tell genes to turn off and on. Clearly folate is a nutrient renowned for many health benefits and since we cannot make it within the body, it is beneficial and necessary for everyone.

Also known as Vitamin B9, in supplements, it is commonly in the form of synthetic folic acid. Synthetic folic acid is poorly absorbed and utilized by the body, and many people have a deficiency in the enzyme that converts folic acid into natural folate (MTHF). As many as one third of older Americans have unconverted folic acid in their blood, and this can pose several health problems. We need a better form of this critical nutrient!

Best Fully Active Folate by Doctor's Best Vitamins supplies Quatrefolic ® (6S)-5-MethylTetraHydroFolate (MTHF), the most stable and best absorbed form available. This human identical MTHF is more compatible with our biochemistry than any other form of MTHF. Quatrefolic is important for our brain health, heart health, immune health, and the health of our genetic structure.

MTHF is a cornerstone of human metabolism. Methyl groups from MTHF are involved in diverse life processes such as synthesis of DNA and RNA, higher-level gene regulation, along with the production of melatonin, and the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenalin. It helps to balance homocysteine levels, an important marker for heart health. MTHF is also involved with wrapping of nerve cells with myelin protein to optimize their electrical conductivity. In essence, MTHF supplies fuel to drive many metabolic reactions.

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