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Kefir Starter Enlarge Image Email to a Friend Body Ecology
Kefir Starter
ITEM NUMBER:    BED-5002-006
SIZE:    6 Packets
MSRP: $26.95
Your Price: Heat Sensitive

Product Description: Kefir is an ancient, cultured food rich in amino acids, enzymes, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin K and B vitamins. Clinical studies have associated kefir with many beneficial effects including immune enhancement properties. Body Ecology now makes it easy, economical and fun to make at home.
*Kefir literally translates to "feel good" in Turkish (the land of kefir's origin). The friendly flora help convert the tryptophan in milk to serotonin, the brain chemical that makes you happier.
*Kefir's friendly lactobacillus and beneficial yeast set up colonies that reside in your intestines ensuring digestion of proteins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates.
*Kefir is great for kids who eat lots of junk food and sugar.
*Kefir is excellent nourishment for the elderly and those with seeking immune support.
*Kefir is a wonderful food for a woman who is pregnant or nursing. Besides nourishing her own body, it provides her baby with friendly flora for building a healthy immune system.

Additional Info: Imported from Germany. Keep refrigerated.
Packaging: Paperboard/Packet
Ingredients: Lactobacillus Culture, Lactobacillis, Yeast, Glucose.
Other Ingredients: Glucose.
Suggested Use: Simply take one packet and combine with your favorite milk--whole, low-fat or non-fat. Drink it plain or flavored, add fruit, or use it as a base for smoothies, dips or salad dressings. Instruction included for making up to 42 quarts or gallons of kefir from the starter cultures inside this box. Makes kefir from the juice of young coconut as well.
Nutritional Facts
Serving Size: 1 Packet (5 g)
Servings Per Container: 6

Amount Per Serving

Calories 0
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 0 g
Total Carb. 0 g
Protein 0 g

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