"Un-Invited Guests" Saboteurs to Our Immune System
by Dr. Gloria Gilbere N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D. CANDIDA YEAST Candida Yeast lives naturally in our intestinal tract until the intestinal ecology becomes toxic; then it multiples at an accelerated rate causing chronic and invisible health consequences. In a healthy intestinal tract, the ratio of Candida is one cell to one million other bacteria. Due to varied factors which include—antibiotic use, lack of dietary fiber, and a compromised digestive/elimination system, overgrowth of yeast and fungus occur. Yeast is a fungus, a microscopic-size parasite-type organism. This organism lives and thrives in a dark, warm, moist environment—specifically in the mouth, digestive tract and vagina. It is a single-cell microorganism that develops feeding tubes called hyphae, which grow directly into the intestinal walls causing them to become porous and allowing toxins and undigested proteins and carbohydrates to flow through the bowel wall, only to be absorbed into the body and blood stream — known as intestinal permeability, commonly known as leaky gut syndrome. The fungal toxins created by these microorganisms enter the bloodstream through the bowel wall; the most common being acetaldehyde, a major yeast waste-product; a poison converted by the liver into alcohol that can eventually become systemic if allowed to grow out of control. CAUSES OF CANDIDA YEAST OVERGROWTH
During the growth process of Candida Albicans, toxic materials are emitted, spreading throughout the body and producing the following symptoms/disorders:
There are now newly developed multi-system approaches to assist the body in ridding itself of common yeast such as Candida Albicans. This yeast can be safely and effectively eliminated through synchronized natural blends, without the use of harmful drugs, and their side effects. The formula used should include ingredients known to detoxify the body by cleansing the intestines of yeast and fungus and supporting healthy intestinal ecology. Experience in my practice with thousands of clients has shown that the following components are essential in a Candida cleanse to maximize a detoxification protocol for both treatment and maintenance: LIMINATION AND PREVENTION PROTOCOL: Since Candida actually "wet the appetite" of our second "un-invited" guests (parasites), and encourages their reproduction, it is advisable to first eliminate the source of their "main course" (Candida) before proceeding with a parasite elimination cleanse protocol. Parasites actually feed off our cells and our blood, and thrive in an intestinal environment that houses excessive Candida. Therefore, if you experience any symptoms associated with yeast and parasites, have an immune system disorder, or have multiple sensitivities, first cutoff the source of nourishment by performing a Candida cleanse for an initial ninety days, followed by a parasite removal protocol (outlined in the upcoming part II of this series). MAINTENANCE: Perform bi-annually yeast cleanses, limit your intake of simple carbohydrates and sugars to avoid "feeding" normal amount of yeast in the intestines and again begin a vicious cycle. DOCTOR'S NOTE: If you are extremely sensitive, be sure to check with a healthcare professional to identify a protocol of detoxification tailored to your tolerance. |