Natural Research in the News
Brought to you from the NEEDS Wellness Team Vitamin D Proves to Support Immunity Popular culture associates vitamin D with the sunÕs healing rays and building strong bones. However, an increasing amount of research is emerging on vitamin D and its profound impacts on the immune system. Research shows vitamin D, in effect, is a potent antibiotic. But instead of directly killing bacteria and viruses, the activated form of this vitamin increases substances in the body that directly and rapidly destroy the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, including influenza, and plays a key role in keeping the lungs free of infection. In 2007, a randomized, double-blind intervention trial on bone health with 208 post-menopausal African-American women also tracked incidence of colds and flu. It showed higher dose vitamin D reduced respiratory infections. For the first two years, trial subjects were given either 400 IU vitamin D3/day or placebo. For the third and final year, vitamin D dosage was increased to 2000 IU/day. At the end of the study period, 34 subjects reported cold or flu symptoms; eight in the vitamin D group and 26 in the placebo group. In those taking placebo, colds and flu were clustered in the winter months, while those taking vitamin D had only a few infections, scattered throughout the year. In the group taking 2000 IUs, only one person reported having a cold or flu. This evidence confirms what integrative health professionals have known for years: vitamin D, dosed in the 2000-5000 IU range, dramatically benefits immunity and overall health. br> The NEEDS Wellness Team recommends Vitamin D 2000 IU from Carlson. |