The Power of Green Tea
Brought to you from the NEEDS Wellness Team
An extract from green tea, called
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) may
help increase fat oxidation and contribute
to weight loss, according to European
researchers. A small
pilot study looked
at the effects of
low- and high-dose
EGCg on fat
metabolism in
overweight men. The 300 mg low-dose EGCg
stimulated fat oxidation more effectively than
the 600 mg dose.
Many other studies have concluded that green tea can help with thermogenesis,
or fat burning. One scientist concluded that "consumption of tea might
promote weight loss, help maintain body weight following weight loss, and
prevent the development of some diseases associated with obesity such as
diabetes and fatty liver disease."
Source: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (September 2010)